
As Tashi progresses, it will transition towards a decentralized model and governance structure. Eventually, a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) will govern the protocol, comprising xTASHI token holders and both on-chain and off-chain governance frameworks. In the initial stages, the founding team will bootstrap the launch of TASHI.

To participate in governance, xTASHI token holders will be required to propose and vote on TASHI Improvement Proposals that impact crucial aspects like economics, security, and protocol development. These proposals will involve key parameters that govern the functioning of TASHI. Some examples of parameters that can be subject to voting include:

  1. Interest Rate Model: xTASHI token holders can propose changes or adjustments to the interest rate model used by TASHI.

  2. Asset Addition: The protocol's risk requirements can be considered for the inclusion of new assets that align with those requirements.

  3. Risk Parameters: xTASHI token holders may vote on the risk parameters related to overcollateralization and liquidation mechanisms in order to maintain a balanced risk profile.

  4. Liquidity Mining Program: Adjustments to the Liquidity Mining Program, such as modifying incentives based on prevailing market conditions, can be proposed and voted upon.

  5. Protocol Improvements: xTASHI token holders can propose improvements to the protocol, which may include changes to smart contracts, governance processes, and other enhancements.

By actively participating in the DAO's governance process, xTASHI token holders play a vital role in shaping the future of Tashi and ensuring its continuous improvement, security, and resilience.

Last updated